The Ten Commandments and Trump

Published by JAFA on



I am the Lord thy God

  1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me

Trump worships at the alter of power and money. He basks in the adoration of the masses. What he believes in his heart is for God to know. However, his behavior when not upholding the oath he took in Gods name would indicate that his professed religious beliefs are just tools to achieve more power. Discardable when they do not serve his purpose.

  • Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image

This has to do with a manufactured image of God, or any other man created image of a god. Think golden calf. The golden statue of Trump at the CPAC in and of itself is not a graven image any more than a statue of Elvis is. There is a difference though, when the people were bringing it in the imagery caused a reporter to ask if God would be mad at them for that. The response was that Trump is God. That is on the person making that statement. Trump never disabused anyone of the idea. Would he embrace idea of being considered God? If it furthered his ambitions, yes, I think he would.

  • Thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy God in vain

Definitely, Trump has done that. One instance during a speech in Greenville he did so twice. One of these times he was  recounting a conversation, of the type that would not be unusual for him to engage in. So, it is probable that this was far from an isolated case.

  • Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy

That is between him and God. I believe every day is a blessing and holy, but this day should be special. It is the day most consider “church day” when you go and reaffirm your devotion before a congregation of peers.

  • Honor thy father and thy mother

I have no information on his relationship in this matter. However, he respects and honors no one else, why would they be different.

  • Thou shalt not kill

Has he killed anyone? No. Is he responsible for deaths? As the President of the United States, yes of course. He also, through his irresponsible inaction, is responsible for the deaths on January 6.

  • Thou shalt not commit adultery

You’re kidding, right?

  • Thou shalt not steal

He has never been convicted of this one. He has avoided litigation from several government entities by making “deals” with them, pay a fine and promise not to do it again, type deals. He has also paid hush money to people to avoid litigation. Rich privilege. So, whether or not he is guilty of such is debatable.

  • Thou shalt not bear false witness

This is saying something untruthful about someone. Depending on how strictly you define it you could be talking about lying in general. He has done both, though he has managed to avoid doing so under oath, which could be another strict interpretation. I doubt he will ever allow himself to be placed on a witness stand and sworn under oath.

  • Thou shalt not covet

This is the mind set of wanting something that belongs to someone else. This is a definite yes. He covets the power he once had and someone else now possesses. That is just one of the many things he covets. He is also willing to do anything to get what he wants, no matter who it hurts.

        Some writings of this eliminate graven image and replace it with thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife and changes covet to covet thy neighbor’s goods. They still possess the concept of wanting something belonging to someone else but focuses on the material things.

        I think the more general is relevant. Ambition is ok so long it does not harm others.

        I decided to use the Ten Commandments because Donald Trump claims to be a Presbyterian and this is their measure of faithful righteous goodness. He fails.


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