Democratic politicians want to be seen as the nice guys who play by the rules and have the good of the people at the heart in all they do. They believe in democracy. They want everyone to think they are willing to cooperate with Republicans to run the country. This Read more…


It has come to my attention that the Fair Labor Standards Act includes wording that allows employers to substitute holiday pay for overtime pay. Specifically, 29 U.S.C. Chapter 8 sub-section 207 paragraph 7(h)(2). It states: (2) Extra compensation paid as described in paragraphs (5), (6), and (7) of subsection (e) Read more…

Graham Senator for Trump

The watch dog group Checks and Balances Project is calling for Senator Graham to be removed or step down from his position on the Judiciary Committee because he is under investigation for soliciting election fraud. He has not been convicted of anything. He has not even been charged with anything. Read more…

Trump is GOD

When a reporter asked the people bringing a golden statue of Donald Trump into CPAC if God would be mad at them they said: TRUMP IS GOD I’m pretty sure that is a Commandment, you know one of THE TEN. All you church going GOD fearing people out there who Read more…

New Republican Party Oath

I’ve made an Oath the Republican leaders and elected officials can make to reflect their new LORD AND MASTER.           NEW REPUBLICAN OATH OF OFFICE I swear to uphold Donald Trump’s agenda. Ignoring the will of the people, keeping myself only unto him, and keeping no oath above him, my Read more…