Published by JAFA on

Democratic politicians want to be seen as the nice guys who play by the rules and have the good of the people at the heart in all they do. They believe in democracy. They want everyone to think they are willing to cooperate with Republicans to run the country. This is not a bad thing, but they are overlooking the simple fact: the Republican leadership is not interested in cooperation. They want dominance. They want power and they don’t care who they hurt to get it. They want to suppress voters who won’t vote their way. They want to impede the Democrat agenda just as they did with Obama and blame the failures on the Democrats. They want authoritarian rule with the final goal of eliminating democracy all together. The January 6th insurrection attack on the Capitol was only a small part of this effort. It was a Declaration of WAR and it continues to be fought. It is being fought in the US House and Senate with threats, misinformation, hate and filibuster. It is being fought in the Legislatures of almost every State. Voting laws are being introduced to make voting as difficult as possible for people who would not vote their way. This is not a secret. In fact it has been the Republican play book since the Reagan years. Trump, bless his fascist heart, has brought them out of the shadows and is now the Poster Boy for Republican Power hungry destructive behavior.

Please don’t get me wrong. I am certain most Republican voters are just as horrified by what their party is becoming as Democrats are and they are not the enemy. Republicans are people just like Democrats. They have hopes and fears, loves and faith, and love of our country. It is just their leaders, backers and violent extremist that have gone completely off the rails.

WAKEUP, Everyone, we are at WAR with the Republican Leadership and their wealthy Elitist backers with all their money and resources. This will ultimately be fought at the voting poles and may actually be FOUGHT at the poles. The extremists of the Republican Right have proven they are willing to use violence and intimidation to exert their will. Will we Fight Back and win? Or will we Allow the few Elitist to Dominate the masses and destroy our Country?

I call on the Democrats and the few Republicans in Congress who still believe in democracy to Fight Back. Do what you must to protect our Country and our Voters. We Can Not allow them to win.


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